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CHY3/CHY4 Charity Tax Relief

Once a year the Revenue Commissioners allow Irish charities to claim tax back on behalf of our generous donors and sponsors who have given over €250 in a tax year.

If you are a PAYE tax payer this tax relief can only be claimed by the charity -rather than by you as the individual who has made the contribution.

If it is not claimed the money simply remains with the Tax Office.

By simply returning the tax relief form, an all annual donation of €250 or more – and applying a standard rate of 20% tax will add an additional €62.50 to a €250.00 donation

-and at the higher rate of 41% tax adds and addition €173.73!

Complete the CHY3 Enduring Certificate if your donation is made each year over a 5year period- Form available by clicking here

Complete the CHY4 Annual Certificate if your donation was a once off donation –Form available by clicking here

and remember, all we need is your signature and it doesn’t cost you a cent!

Thank you

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